Peter Wuz Robbed!
(too old to reply)
2009-02-23 08:52:37 UTC
Goddamm "Slumdog Millionaire".....

Sorry you didn't get the Oscar, Peter. We still love you!

Mark Rae
2009-02-23 10:28:28 UTC
Post by N Y
Sorry you didn't get the Oscar, Peter.
From the moment he gave notice of his intention not to perform, he'd lost...
2009-02-23 15:49:49 UTC
"From the moment he gave notice of his intention not to perform, he'd

I don't think so---Peter gave his notice not to perform only a week ago.
I think the Academy voters had already made up their minds by then,
choosing to go "Slumdog Millionaire"-happy this year. (And I think
"Slumdog" is now the most overrrated movie ever made---it's a good film,
but it isn't THAT good, in my opinion.)

Also, don't forget that Eminem declined to perform *his* Oscar-nominated
song several years ago....and he won! No, I just think the voters,
unfortunately, got caught up in all the "Slumdog" hype this year. Too
bad for Peter, and too bad for Thomas Newman, who wrote the wonderful
"WALL-E" score. He was robbed, too.

Oh well....Paul McCartney hasn't won an Oscar. Neither has Sting. At
least Peter's in good company.

2009-02-23 16:35:48 UTC
Yeah, this is the academy, not the rock hall of fame. They're just as
screwed up, but not in precisely the same way.

I agree with your assessment of Slumdog. It was a bit like someone buying
me a drink and singing "for he's a jolly good fellow" after beating me with
bricks for an hour and a half.

Post by N Y
"From the moment he gave notice of his intention not to perform, he'd
I don't think so---Peter gave his notice not to perform only a week ago.
I think the Academy voters had already made up their minds by then,
choosing to go "Slumdog Millionaire"-happy this year. (And I think
"Slumdog" is now the most overrrated movie ever made---it's a good film,
but it isn't THAT good, in my opinion.)
Also, don't forget that Eminem declined to perform *his* Oscar-nominated
song several years ago....and he won! No, I just think the voters,
unfortunately, got caught up in all the "Slumdog" hype this year. Too
bad for Peter, and too bad for Thomas Newman, who wrote the wonderful
"WALL-E" score. He was robbed, too.
Oh well....Paul McCartney hasn't won an Oscar. Neither has Sting. At
least Peter's in good company.
2009-02-24 16:44:12 UTC
Post by N Y
Goddamm "Slumdog Millionaire".....
Sorry you didn't get the Oscar, Peter. We still love you!
scumdog millionaire only won all those oscars beacause it was about an
Indian family...or whatever they are and Sean Penn, who has had many
performances playing a hardman, only won because he was playing the
part of a gay. Once more political correctness gone daft...do these
fools who make those decisions think people don't notice this?
Michael Treacy
2009-02-25 21:21:05 UTC
So, by extension, what you are saying is that if we got rid of political
correctness, then a film about an Indian family or a gay politician should
never win an oscar?

What would that attitude be called?
Post by N Y
Goddamm "Slumdog Millionaire".....
Sorry you didn't get the Oscar, Peter. We still love you!
scumdog millionaire only won all those oscars beacause it was about an
Indian family...or whatever they are and Sean Penn, who has had many
performances playing a hardman, only won because he was playing the
part of a gay. Once more political correctness gone daft...do these
fools who make those decisions think people don't notice this?
2009-02-26 17:25:55 UTC
Post by Michael Treacy
So, by extension, what you are saying is that if we got rid of political
correctness, then a film about an Indian family or a gay politician should
never win an oscar?
What would that attitude be called?
Eh, yes and honesty.
Sal Video
2009-02-27 19:12:08 UTC
Post by N Y
Goddamm "Slumdog Millionaire".....
Sorry you didn't get the Oscar, Peter. We still love you!
Sean Penn, who has had many
performances playing a hardman, only won because he was playing the
part of a gay.
Then why did he also win for playing a blue collar guy who avenged his
daughter's murder, assfuck?
2009-02-27 22:01:30 UTC
Post by Sal Video
Post by N Y
Goddamm "Slumdog Millionaire".....
Sorry you didn't get the Oscar, Peter. We still love you!
Sean Penn, who has had many
performances playing a hardman, only won because he was playing the
part of a gay.
Then why did he also win for playing a blue collar guy who avenged his
daughter's murder, assfuck?
Was "assfuck" meant to be ironic?

Phone Box
2009-02-28 08:29:29 UTC
Post by Newsgroups
Post by Sal Video
Post by N Y
Goddamm "Slumdog Millionaire".....
Sorry you didn't get the Oscar, Peter. We still love you!
Sean Penn, who has had many
performances playing a hardman, only won because he was playing the
part of a gay.
Then why did he also win for playing a blue collar guy who avenged his
daughter's murder, assfuck?
Was "assfuck" meant to be ironic?
I think it was the name of daughter's murder. :)
2009-02-28 11:26:19 UTC
Post by Sal Video
Post by N Y
Goddamm "Slumdog Millionaire".....
Sorry you didn't get the Oscar, Peter. We still love you!
Sean Penn, who has had many
performances playing a hardman, only won because he was playing the
part of a gay.
Then why did he also win for playing a blue collar guy who avenged his
daughter's murder, assfuck?
I have no idea dickhead, you know what your fucked up country is
like...so who knows. Maybe because he wore a blue collar??????
2009-02-28 13:41:52 UTC
Ummmm, because it was a good performance? Or maybe just because it's all a
popularity contest, and Sean Penn happened to be popular with the Hollywood
crowd at the time? I'm just throwing spaghetti here...
Post by Sal Video
Post by N Y
Goddamm "Slumdog Millionaire".....
Sorry you didn't get the Oscar, Peter. We still love you!
Sean Penn, who has had many
performances playing a hardman, only won because he was playing the
part of a gay.
Then why did he also win for playing a blue collar guy who avenged his
daughter's murder, assfuck?
2009-03-02 14:25:10 UTC
Post by Sal Video
Post by N Y
Goddamm "Slumdog Millionaire".....
Sorry you didn't get the Oscar, Peter. We still love you!
Sean Penn, who has had many
performances playing a hardman, only won because he was playing the
part of a gay.
Then why did he also win for playing a blue collar guy who avenged his
daughter's murder, assfuck?
Good come back!
I tend to agree with 'JF', if, probably, not his political views. When
I heard about 'Slumdog' winning so many awards that was my initial
reaction. (I don't think the implication of Sean Penn's character even
occurred to me.) ...But I don't see those awards as 'sickening' or
much about political correctness. I bet for most of the voters it was
much more based on heart and empathy then some overt politically-based
agenda.... Maybe you could say they've bought into a mindset they've
not fully examined. ...I don't know really.

But I bet in the main the idea of 'Hollywood elites' is true only in
that they have more of the things money can buy, rather than some
sophisticated 'cultured' clique far removed from your average
American. I think that view is as much a convenient Republican
invention as anything. If 'creative people' tend to be more liberal
it probably has more to do with some psychological disposition rather
than some supposed 'Hollywood' influence per se.
...Nashville Cats ...
