(too old to reply)
Jim Brown
2008-11-11 14:11:56 UTC
It's not often that something lives up to your expectations. It's even less
likely that something you know so well can surprise and delight. Welcome to
the new box set. I had intended going though the entire set before offering
up my opinions - however, after hearing Foxtrot, SEBTP & disc one of The
Lamb I must urge anyone who has not yet purchased it (and a half decent 5.1
set up) to jump in. Songs that were just "normal" The Battle on SEBTP take
on a new and dynamic life and sound so fresh. Songs that I have always
loved, Watcher are so powerful and awe inspiring that I could hardly believe
that this was the same recordings. Chamber of 32 doors & Hairless Heart on
The Lamb are beautiful examples of Genesis at there very best! two and a
half albums down and the same to go (not including the bonus or DVDs) and I
am having the best time I've had since CDs were invented.
Sal Video
2008-11-11 16:55:37 UTC
Anyone have a suggestion for the cheapest place to get the European SACD set
in the US?
Post by Jim Brown
It's not often that something lives up to your expectations. It's even
less likely that something you know so well can surprise and delight.
Welcome to the new box set. I had intended going though the entire set
before offering up my opinions - however, after hearing Foxtrot, SEBTP &
disc one of The Lamb I must urge anyone who has not yet purchased it (and
a half decent 5.1 set up) to jump in. Songs that were just "normal" The
Battle on SEBTP take on a new and dynamic life and sound so fresh. Songs
that I have always loved, Watcher are so powerful and awe inspiring that I
could hardly believe that this was the same recordings. Chamber of 32
doors & Hairless Heart on The Lamb are beautiful examples of Genesis at
there very best! two and a half albums down and the same to go (not
including the bonus or DVDs) and I am having the best time I've had since
CDs were invented.
Steven Sullivan
2008-11-12 20:35:25 UTC
You don't need to get the SACD version. You'll get the same music, in stereo and surround,
and the same video content, on the DTS version. And no, it's not likely you are anyone could
tell the difference between 24/96 source DTS and SACD.
Post by Sal Video
Anyone have a suggestion for the cheapest place to get the European SACD set
in the US?
Post by Jim Brown
It's not often that something lives up to your expectations. It's even
less likely that something you know so well can surprise and delight.
Welcome to the new box set. I had intended going though the entire set
before offering up my opinions - however, after hearing Foxtrot, SEBTP &
disc one of The Lamb I must urge anyone who has not yet purchased it (and
a half decent 5.1 set up) to jump in. Songs that were just "normal" The
Battle on SEBTP take on a new and dynamic life and sound so fresh. Songs
that I have always loved, Watcher are so powerful and awe inspiring that I
could hardly believe that this was the same recordings. Chamber of 32
doors & Hairless Heart on The Lamb are beautiful examples of Genesis at
there very best! two and a half albums down and the same to go (not
including the bonus or DVDs) and I am having the best time I've had since
CDs were invented.
I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can
seldom accept the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit
the falsity of conclusions which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have
woven, thread by thread, into the fabrics of their life -- Leo Tolstoy
2008-11-13 13:03:03 UTC
You don't need to get the SACD version.  You'll get the same music, in stereo and surround,
and the same video content, on the DTS version.  And no, it's not likely you are anyone could
tell the difference between 24/96 source DTS and SACD.
Can you point me to a site selling the DTS version at a decent
price? ...From looking around usually the seller doesn't make it easy
to see which version is being sold.
2008-11-13 15:10:31 UTC
Post by Godolphin&fellow
Can you point me to a site selling the DTS version at a decent
price? ...From looking around usually the seller doesn't make it easy
to see which version is being sold.
Amazon.com seems to have the best price at the moment at about $94.00
2008-11-18 03:30:11 UTC
In article
Post by Fritz
Post by Godolphin&fellow
Can you point me to a site selling the DTS version at a decent
price? ...From looking around usually the seller doesn't make it easy
to see which version is being sold.
Amazon.com seems to have the best price at the moment at about $94.00
agreed - got mine form there and really liking all of the remixes
Sal Video
2008-11-13 21:09:59 UTC
Post by Steven Sullivan
You don't need to get the SACD version. You'll get the same music, in stereo and surround,
and the same video content, on the DTS version. And no, it's not likely
you are anyone could
tell the difference between 24/96 source DTS and SACD.
I think you're right. I have a fairly inexpensive system and I have DTS,
Dolby and SACD disks and they all sound great to me.

I doubt if I have the ears to tell the difference on a good system.
Post by Steven Sullivan
Post by Sal Video
Anyone have a suggestion for the cheapest place to get the European SACD set
in the US?
Post by Jim Brown
It's not often that something lives up to your expectations. It's even
less likely that something you know so well can surprise and delight.
Welcome to the new box set. I had intended going though the entire set
before offering up my opinions - however, after hearing Foxtrot, SEBTP &
disc one of The Lamb I must urge anyone who has not yet purchased it (and
a half decent 5.1 set up) to jump in. Songs that were just "normal" The
Battle on SEBTP take on a new and dynamic life and sound so fresh. Songs
that I have always loved, Watcher are so powerful and awe inspiring that I
could hardly believe that this was the same recordings. Chamber of 32
doors & Hairless Heart on The Lamb are beautiful examples of Genesis at
there very best! two and a half albums down and the same to go (not
including the bonus or DVDs) and I am having the best time I've had since
CDs were invented.
I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can
seldom accept the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would
oblige them to admit
the falsity of conclusions which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have
woven, thread by thread, into the fabrics of their life -- Leo Tolstoy
2008-11-12 18:28:53 UTC
.... (and a half decent 5.1 set up) to jump in.
Does it sound any better on a "normal" stereo system? Is it worth me
shelling out close to 100 notes if I don't have 5.1?
Mark Rae
2008-11-12 19:52:10 UTC
Post by IanKR
.... (and a half decent 5.1 set up) to jump in.
Does it sound any better on a "normal" stereo system?
Depends what you're used to... If all you have are the original CD reissues,
then I'd say get it. If you have decent quality vinyl and a decent
turntable, then probably not. However, if you do have a decent stereo, then
definitely get it.
Post by IanKR
Is it worth me shelling out close to 100 notes if I don't have 5.1?
I would say that depends on whether you're interested in all the extras or
not, although the only non-commercial releases which haven't been (easily)
available through the hard-core trading community are the Jackson tapes...
Steven Sullivan
2008-11-12 20:38:39 UTC
Post by IanKR
.... (and a half decent 5.1 set up) to jump in.
Does it sound any better on a "normal" stereo system? Is it worth me
shelling out close to 100 notes if I don't have 5.1?
It will sound 'different', because the stereo version are remixes too, just as they have been
for the other boxed set.

Remixing to stereo means all the individual parts on different tape tracks (16 of them circa
the lamb, I'd gues) , were once again mixed down to 2-channel. So you go back a generation in
tape noise, and you also get some new balances between instruments and vocals (because no
remix can every perfectly duplicate the original mix). You may even get some new parts (or
lose some old ones).
I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can
seldom accept the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit
the falsity of conclusions which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have
woven, thread by thread, into the fabrics of their life -- Leo Tolstoy
2008-11-13 21:08:16 UTC
Post by IanKR
.... (and a half decent 5.1 set up) to jump in.
Does it sound any better on a "normal" stereo system? Is it worth me
shelling out close to 100 notes if I don't have 5.1?
Ta for the replies...