Question about the 70-75 Box videos
(too old to reply)
2008-11-15 19:39:42 UTC
I'm thrilled to see that the nex box set has all of these old vids
that have been passed around for years. In particlular:

# Belgium - Rock Of The '70s(1972)
# Italy - Piper Club (1972)
# Shepperton Studios, Italian TV (1973)
# Bataclan, France (1973)
# Melody - French TV (1974)
# Watcher Of The Skies - Midnight Special (1973)
# The Musical Box - Midnight Special (1973)

Are these the full performances? Can we toss our old versions of
Shepperton and Bataclan now?

In fact, does anyone have a track list of the video performances?

2008-11-16 13:22:01 UTC
which also raises the question, if these are
really the only shows from those years that
have been filmed in a decent quality?

(iŽm not stressing the old "live lamb footage"
issue with this question).



2008-11-16 20:23:31 UTC
Also, is the quality any better than the best of what already
circulates? Or did they just copy these from the boots?
Post by Unicorn
I'm thrilled to see that the nex box set has all of these old vids
# Belgium - Rock Of The '70s(1972)
# Italy - Piper Club (1972)
# Shepperton Studios, Italian TV (1973)
# Bataclan, France (1973)
# Melody - French TV (1974)
# Watcher Of The Skies - Midnight Special (1973)
# The Musical Box - Midnight Special (1973)
Are these the full performances? Can we toss our old versions of
Shepperton and Bataclan now?
In fact, does anyone have a track list of the video performances?
2008-11-16 22:10:29 UTC
Post by Unicorn
Also, is the quality any better than the best of what already
circulates? Or did they just copy these from the boots?
I think thats the most pertinent question so far !!
A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands
2008-11-24 03:42:27 UTC
On Nov 16, 5:10 pm, "Covenant"
Post by Covenant
Post by Unicorn
Also, is the quality any better than the best of what already
circulates?  Or did they just copy these from the boots?
I think thats the most pertinent question so far !!
A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands
I'm far from the most knowledgeable Genesis fan on the Earth so you
can take my word with a grai of salt, but over the years I've
collected those videos first on VHS and then on DVD through a mail-
exchange group and the videos from the box set all look way better
(although don't exept any miracles). The sound of the videos is
particularly bad, as it's always been.

But if you're a Genesis fan, don't hesitate to buy the set. The sound
of the remixed CDs and especially the 5.1 mixes on the DVDs really
"send you to the foyer".
2008-11-24 15:31:01 UTC
Post by vieille_branche
On Nov 16, 5:10 pm, "Covenant"
Post by Covenant
Post by Unicorn
Also, is the quality any better than the best of what already
circulates?  Or did they just copy these from the boots?
I think thats the most pertinent question so far !!
A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands
I'm far from the most knowledgeable Genesis fan on the Earth so you
can take my word with a grai of salt, but over the years I've
collected those videos first on VHS and then on DVD through a mail-
exchange group and the videos from the box set all look way better
(although don't exept any miracles). The sound of the videos is
particularly bad, as it's always been.
But if you're a Genesis fan, don't hesitate to buy the set. The sound
of the remixed CDs and especially the 5.1 mixes on the DVDs really
"send you to the foyer".
I'm what you would call a moderate or fair weather Genesis fan of the
Peter Gabriel era. I liked the first two post Peter albums, but not
much after that. This is really a great box set and I enjoyed it
