Hackett/Genesis Revisited
(too old to reply)
2013-10-01 22:48:33 UTC
Saw Steve Hackett's Genesis Revisited in NYC on September 25th.
Absolutely incredible show. The singer does Peter very well, although
his on-stage personality is totally different (and he has Robert Plant
hair), the drummer may as well have been Phil, the rest of the band
kicked ass and took names, and of course, Steve was his usual guitar
god self. Here's the set list:

Watcher of the Skies
Dancing With the Moonlit Knight
Fly on a Windshield/Broadway Melody of 1974
The Lamia
The Musical Box
Blood on the Rooftops/Unquiet Slumber for the Sleepers/In that Quiet
Fountain of Salmacis
I Know What I Like
Dance on a Volcano
Supper's Ready

Firth of Fifth (the expression on Steve's face as he played the solo
was from another dimension of pure bliss)
Los Endos

I never had the privilege of seeing Genesis in their prime, but I've
seen The Musical Box around 15 times, and as much as I love them, this
far surpassed the experience. Just an awesome show from beginning to

aa # 1096
EAC Vice President (President in charge of vice)
BAAWA Knight
2014-09-11 23:10:48 UTC
Steve Hackett is touring again with the Genesis Revisited tour this fall in the USA.
Yes, the 2013/early 2014 shows were excellent...right up there with The Musical Box.
Don't misss this.
2014-09-15 19:22:34 UTC
Post by f***@hotmail.com
Steve Hackett is touring again with the Genesis Revisited tour this fall in the USA.
Yes, the 2013/early 2014 shows were excellent...right up there with The Musical Box.
Don't misss this.
Bullshit, the guy doing the lead vocals is TERRIBLE!
2014-09-27 16:42:04 UTC
Post by Jon
Post by f***@hotmail.com
Steve Hackett is touring again with the Genesis Revisited tour this fall in the USA.
Yes, the 2013/early 2014 shows were excellent...right up there with The Musical Box.
Don't misss this.
Bullshit, the guy doing the lead vocals is TERRIBLE!
I've seen the show. The singer is fine, he's just not trying to
exactly mimic Peter like TMB's Denis Gagne does. This is Genesis
Revisited, TMB are Genesis Cloned. Both are very enjoyable for what
they are. And it's nice that Steve mixes up songs from different eras,
instead of re-creating one particular tour; you'll never hear TMB play
"Firth of Fifth" and "Fountain of Salmacis" in the same show, but you
will at Genesis Revisited.

aa # 1096
EAC Vice President (President in charge of vice)
BAAWA Knight
