Phil considers one last tour next year!
(too old to reply)
2003-11-05 12:47:16 UTC
In an interview on Dutch Radio 2 just now Phil Collins confirms he is
thinking about doing one last tour next year!

2003-11-05 20:09:28 UTC
Post by Joost
In an interview on Dutch Radio 2 just now Phil Collins confirms he is
thinking about doing one last tour next year!
Great! Great! Great! I'll see one last concert next year then! ;-)

ps. Great!
Tim Petonia
2003-11-06 19:21:26 UTC
Oh joy, a fat, bald elf who hasn't written a decent song in 20 years is
going to pad his retirement with a farewell tour. I'm so excited.
Post by Joost
In an interview on Dutch Radio 2 just now Phil Collins confirms he is
thinking about doing one last tour next year!
Paul H
2003-11-06 22:13:50 UTC
So not a fan then Tim? ;-)
Paul Hedges
Nobody needs to discover me, I'm back again
Post by Tim Petonia
Oh joy, a fat, bald elf who hasn't written a decent song in 20 years is
going to pad his retirement with a farewell tour. I'm so excited.
Post by Joost
In an interview on Dutch Radio 2 just now Phil Collins confirms he is
thinking about doing one last tour next year!
2003-11-06 22:49:33 UTC
Sure his recent work is not really my taste either, but I still admire the
man for his previous work, both with and without Genesis. Without Phil as a
drummer/member Genesis wouldn't have been half as good. Enough reason for me
to go and see his show.

Post by Tim Petonia
Oh joy, a fat, bald elf who hasn't written a decent song in 20 years is
going to pad his retirement with a farewell tour. I'm so excited.
Robert Ivanov
2003-11-07 15:29:47 UTC
FUCK YOU Tim petonia!!
or are you talking about yourself?? FUCK YOU!!!!
Post by Tim Petonia
Oh joy, a fat, bald elf who hasn't written a decent song in 20 years is
going to pad his retirement with a farewell tour. I'm so excited.
Post by Joost
In an interview on Dutch Radio 2 just now Phil Collins confirms he is
thinking about doing one last tour next year!
Danny Johnson
2010-04-28 16:12:34 UTC
Post by Robert Ivanov
FUCK YOU Tim petonia!!
or are you talking about yourself?? FUCK YOU!!!!
Post by Tim Petonia
Oh joy, a fat, bald elf who hasn't written a decent song in 20 years is
going to pad his retirement with a farewell tour. I'm so excited.
Post by Joost
In an interview on Dutch Radio 2 just now Phil Collins confirms he is
thinking about doing one last tour next year!
You forget one thing. Music is a business and it's all about the
money. Look at the 70's groups that got back together for vast sums of
money. Two of the greatest money making tours on record were the
Eagles and Aerosmith. Each member made millions. Like the Eagles,
people who hadn't spoken in years, for several million dollars put
aside their differances. Money can sooth a lot of ego and anger.
Especialy when it's a lot of money. A Genesis tour with Phil Collins
would make a lot of money. There's nothing worse than being an old and
broke rocker.
2010-05-01 15:22:36 UTC
Post by Danny Johnson
A Genesis tour with Phil Collins
would make a lot of money. There's nothing worse than being an old and
broke rocker.
A report from his last divorce had him worth almost a quarter
*B*illion $'s. It sure is not because he is risking poverty. My
question is; Did he mean Genesis, or his solo career, when he
mentioned the farewell thing? Genesis I would go, solo I have no real
interest. On the plus side, I imagine his neck is healing well.

