Will Barack Obama allow Supper's Ready to played on the radio again?
(too old to reply)
Sal Video
2008-11-24 17:12:52 UTC

"Supper's Ready" really took advantage of the freedom that radio stations
had at the time to play such material.Sadly, that freedom no longer exists
in our day, whereas the short three and four minute tracks are continuing to
destroy both our society and our musical talent. Hopefully, President-elect
Barack Obama will allow for radio stations to play epic songs such as
"Supper's Ready".
Jim Hill
2008-11-25 02:54:20 UTC
Post by Sal Video
"Supper's Ready" really took advantage of the freedom that radio stations
had at the time to play such material.Sadly, that freedom no longer exists
in our day, whereas the short three and four minute tracks are continuing to
destroy both our society and our musical talent. Hopefully, President-elect
Barack Obama will allow for radio stations to play epic songs such as
"Supper's Ready".
It's not so much that Obama can "allow" it, but if his administration
undoes the relaxation of media ownership rules that have led to the
Clear-Channeling of America then we might go back to the day when good
stations played good music...and I might not keep a fully-loaded iPod
wired into the car everywhere I go.

"I loathe people who say, 'I always read the ending of the book first.'
That really irritates me. It's like someone coming to dinner, just
opening the fridge and eating pudding, while you're standing there still
working on the starter. It's not on." -- JK Rowling
2008-11-25 13:11:02 UTC
Post by Jim Hill
"Supper's Ready" really took advantage of the freedom that radio stations
had at the time to play such material.Sadly, that freedom no longer exists
in our day, whereas the short three and four minute tracks are continuing to
destroy both our society and our musical talent. Hopefully, President-elect
Barack Obama will allow for radio stations to play epic songs such as
"Supper's Ready".
It's not so much that Obama can "allow" it, but if his administration
undoes the relaxation of media ownership rules that have led to the
Clear-Channeling of America then we might go back to the day when good
stations played good music...and I might not keep a fully-loaded iPod
wired into the car everywhere I go.
It's way too early to know for certain but... going by what's being
said about his economic team, it's starting to sound like it will
largely be a case of business (rulez!) as usual. - Clinton changed
after he won election. He was critical of NAFTA... said he'd only
accept it if was rewritten. But once he took office... Obama was
mostly funded without corporate donation, hope that makes a difference.
Ian Andrew Schneider
2008-12-08 23:05:04 UTC
Post by Jim Hill
Clear-Channeling of America then we might go back to the day when good
stations played good music...and I might not keep a fully-loaded iPod
wired into the car everywhere I go."
you make the "FULLY loaded ipod WIRED TO the car EVERYWHERE" sound
like, "Gosh DARNIT!!, I went to download everything Genesis had ever
recorded anywhere, in concert rehearsal, album, sound check ---and you
had to way FIVE DAMNED MINUTES for the download..."

I hate to sound holier than thou - bc I am not - "if you spot it you
got it" as they say - I see a person who does not appreciate the
positives of digital.

Just a guess: you are 34 or under and do not play a musical instrument
at the professional level - my guess is that you are 31 and play keys
"well enough to get a gig" -- wrong?

2008-11-27 17:28:55 UTC
Post by Sal Video
. Hopefully, President-elect
Barack Obama will allow for radio stations to play epic songs such as
"Supper's Ready".
Sadly, amazingly, somehow, I think you are not joking. Geez
... and its... hey Barack
2008-11-27 18:10:08 UTC
 "Supper's Ready" really took advantage of the freedom that radio stations
had at the time to play such material.Sadly, that freedom no longer exists
Well, you have to remember the historical context. When Foxtrot came
out in 1972 US radio was in a period of transition. Up until the
early 1970's it was the golden age of Top 40 AM radio, where the 3-
minute hits were king and as long as you had a catchy tune, mono or
stereo didn't matter. In '72 FM radio was emerging from its
experimental backwater state, listenership was modest and DJ's were
given freedom to play pretty much anything they wanted. If they had a
Progressive Rock Hour then Suppers Ready got played. The thing that
killed the AM radio star was the power transistor -- by 1975,
electronics stores were filled with solid state FM stereo receivers
made by Sansui, Pioneer, and Marantz that could fill a room with loud,
high quality stereo sound.

Today obviously FM radio is the Top 40 commercial medium and music is
almost nonexistent on AM radio.

There is hope that Obama could make things better. Bill Clinton was a
big fan of the low power community FM station concept, which would
allow low cost local FM stations to provide diversity in programming.
The FCC moved in that direction, granted some licenses, but under Bush
the guards of Magog swarmed around (corporate lobbyists) and pretty
much killed LPFM. I'm sure if Obama were approached about it he would
wholeheartedly support LPFM and we would hear seven trumpets blowing
sweet rock'n'roll. The question is whether or not the LPFM issue gets
on the radar screen. Obama's got a full plate starting on Inauguration
2008-11-27 20:48:20 UTC
Post by James
Today obviously FM radio is the Top 40 commercial medium and music is
almost nonexistent on AM radio.
There is hope that Obama could make things better. �
<blank stare> unbelievable. Has anyone ever heard of the "free
market"? Is it the presidents job to get prog epics on the radio?
2008-11-27 21:44:40 UTC
Post by Chuck
Post by James
Today obviously FM radio is the Top 40 commercial medium and music is
almost nonexistent on AM radio.
There is hope that Obama could make things better.
<blank stare> unbelievable. Has anyone ever heard of the "free
market"? Is it the presidents job to get prog epics on the radio?
The current FM radio market is no free market. FCC regulations in
effect require FM radio stations to be high power and high cost in
order to get licensed, particularly in metropolitan areas. The only
business model that can succeed under those conditions are national
syndicates that pump in standardized and sterilized programming. If
you really want competition at the local level, you need regulations
to allow low power, low cost stations to level the playing field to
give the mom-and-pop operators a chance. The airwaves are a finite
public resource so there needs to be some sort of equitable allocation
system. It's the big media moguls who are scared of the free market.
Tim Hattrell
2008-11-27 21:54:07 UTC
Post by James
Today obviously FM radio is the Top 40 commercial medium and music is
almost nonexistent on AM radio.
There is hope that Obama could make things better. �
<blank stare> unbelievable. Has anyone ever heard of the "free
market"? Is it the presidents job to get prog epics on the radio?
Clear CHannel is the free market?

2008-11-28 14:37:00 UTC
Post by Tim Hattrell
Clear CHannel is the free market?
LOL I understand all of that but push back a second and reread the
title of this thread. It is hilarious. Is it illegal for classic rock
stations to play SR at this time? (Will BO *allow* SR to be
played...?") They do not do it because 97.8% would hit the dial within
3-minutes. They live and die by ratings. Looking and hoping for Obama
to get SR on the radio is comical. If one is dead serious about it, it
is sad.
"The strength of the moment lies with *you*" Jon Anderson
Ian Andrew Schneider
2008-11-29 15:15:27 UTC
Post by Tim Hattrell
Clear CHannel is the free market?
LOL   I understand all of that but push back a second and reread the
title of this thread. It is hilarious. Is it illegal for classic rock
stations to play SR at this time? (Will BO *allow* SR to be
played...?") They do not do it because 97.8% would hit the dial within
3-minutes. They live and die by ratings. Looking and hoping for Obama
to get SR on the radio is comical. If one is dead serious about it, it
is sad.
"The strength of the moment lies with *you*" Jon Anderson
If everyone thinks that the president-elect has his hand in who does
what at the FCC, may suggest, as a veteran DC- he doesn't. Thanks to a
completely evil, stupid anti-semite of a "president" - that cocaine
adficted alcoholic who I defended until 2005 until realizing that the
spoiled little Jew hater named LAME DUCK TORTURER IN CHIEF whose
family would do well to lesve the country before he is arrrsted for
violations to the Geneva Convention, crimes against the citizens of
the world and without a close second the worst president a free
country has ever been subject to, and given the ending manner of the
future arrests of both he, Cock Cheney and Paul Wolfoshits, and given
how much pain this whiny spoiled little 61 year old douche bag has put
on everyone on earth, President Obama has bigger issues on his plate
than whether any of you can pirate music.
So said, if all in this group are caring about is more free music, you
will continue to get the talking like ypu grew up in the hood and
making music my cat makes faces at, like the tour de force of Britney
Spears and the Jonas Brothers, not to mention the Paris Hilton debut
album but in fact have as much talent as Bob Dylan at age one week,
you, like lame duck DICtatotor Shrub, you'll get music as that found
on the mad boy soon to be Ex-president's iPod.

If y'all are so concerned, podcasts ate free to make, lisyen to and
brosdcast. Take some initiative, stop pirating and blaming, and DO

Let's see: The new president's schedule 1:22:2009 /
1) national defense;
2) worldwide anarchy;
3) getting Supper's Ready back on free radio.
Don't think so.

Plus, you always get what you need! This phone has a 4-track recorder,
2 digital guitar tuners with 100s of alternate tunings, email box,
browser, telephone, 4 synyhedizers, 3 drum machines, 5 cameras, free
access to any naked female form that ever was, a night sky chart, a
lunar month astronomical analysis, a GPS system, a choice of webcams
set up everywhere from Paris to to the Brazilian beaches, a 1985 cost
if over 1/2 million dollars for $199, so I believe that the best comrs
through in the end. As Peter the founder said, "there's an angel
standing in the sun/and he's crying with a loud voice/'Can't you feel
our souls ignite/shedding ever changing colours/in the darkness of the
fading night/Like the river joins the ocean/as the germ in the seed
standing in the sun and he's crying/with a loud voice/'THIS IS THE
SUPPER OF THE MIGHTY ONE!'/the Lord of Lord, King of Kings/has
Returned to lead his children home/to take them to the the New

It is payback time for the evil like Putin, Bush and Mel The Human
Douche Gibson and his ilk (those who are short, insecure and blame
everything from Al Gore's uber-hypocrisy to Craig Ferguson's leaving
Scotland for the US to rhe success of the Pussycat Dolls over Men At
Work on, of course, those brilliant Jews who just loved committing a 5
million person suicide,

/Ian Andrew Schneider/
2008-11-30 14:11:22 UTC
Post by Tim Hattrell
Clear CHannel is the free market?
LOL I understand all of that but push back a second and reread the
title of this thread. It is hilarious. Is it illegal for classic rock
stations to play SR at this time? (Will BO *allow* SR to be
played...?") They do not do it because 97.8% would hit the dial within
3-minutes. They live and die by ratings. Looking and hoping for Obama
to get SR on the radio is comical. If one is dead serious about it, it
is sad.
"The strength of the moment lies with *you*" Jon Anderson
If everyone thinks that the president-elect has his hand in who does
what at the FCC, may suggest, as a veteran DC- he doesn't. Thanks to a
completely evil, stupid anti-semite of a "president" - that cocaine
adficted alcoholic who I defended until 2005 until realizing that the
spoiled little Jew hater named LAME DUCK TORTURER IN CHIEF whose
family would do well to lesve the country before he is arrrsted for
violations to the Geneva Convention, crimes against the citizens of
the world and without a close second the worst president a free
country has ever been subject to, and given the ending manner of the
future arrests of both he, Cock Cheney and Paul Wolfoshits, and given
how much pain this whiny spoiled little 61 year old douche bag has put
on everyone on earth, President Obama has bigger issues on his plate
than whether any of you can pirate music.
So said, if all in this group are caring about is more free music, you
will continue to get the talking like ypu grew up in the hood and
making music my cat makes faces at, like the tour de force of Britney
Spears and the Jonas Brothers, not to mention the Paris Hilton debut
album but in fact have as much talent as Bob Dylan at age one week,
you, like lame duck DICtatotor Shrub, you'll get music as that found
on the mad boy soon to be Ex-president's iPod.

If y'all are so concerned, podcasts ate free to make, lisyen to and
brosdcast. Take some initiative, stop pirating and blaming, and DO

Let's see: The new president's schedule 1:22:2009 /
1) national defense;
2) worldwide anarchy;
3) getting Supper's Ready back on free radio.
Don't think so.

Plus, you always get what you need! This phone has a 4-track recorder,
2 digital guitar tuners with 100s of alternate tunings, email box,
browser, telephone, 4 synyhedizers, 3 drum machines, 5 cameras, free
access to any naked female form that ever was, a night sky chart, a
lunar month astronomical analysis, a GPS system, a choice of webcams
set up everywhere from Paris to to the Brazilian beaches, a 1985 cost
if over 1/2 million dollars for $199, so I believe that the best comrs
through in the end. As Peter the founder said, "there's an angel
standing in the sun/and he's crying with a loud voice/'Can't you feel
our souls ignite/shedding ever changing colours/in the darkness of the
fading night/Like the river joins the ocean/as the germ in the seed
standing in the sun and he's crying/with a loud voice/'THIS IS THE
SUPPER OF THE MIGHTY ONE!'/the Lord of Lord, King of Kings/has
Returned to lead his children home/to take them to the the New

It is payback time for the evil like Putin, Bush and Mel The Human
Douche Gibson and his ilk (those who are short, insecure and blame
everything from Al Gore's uber-hypocrisy to Craig Ferguson's leaving
Scotland for the US to rhe success of the Pussycat Dolls over Men At
Work on, of course, those brilliant Jews who just loved committing a 5
million person suicide,

/Ian Andrew Schneider/

Sounds like you'll need this:
Ian Andrew Schneider
2008-12-03 18:54:29 UTC
That's so brave - and original! a black penis/dildo joke. What's
nest? Knowck knock jokes? Are you English or a racist or both?

Post by Ian Andrew Schneider
Post by Tim Hattrell
Clear CHannel is the free market?
LOL I understand all of that but push back a second and reread the
title of this thread. It is hilarious. Is it illegal for classic rock
stations to play SR at this time? (Will BO *allow* SR to be
played...?") They do not do it because 97.8% would hit the dial within
3-minutes. They live and die by ratings. Looking and hoping for Obama
to get SR on the radio is comical. If one is dead serious about it, it
is sad.
"The strength of the moment lies with *you*" Jon Anderson
If everyone thinks that the president-elect has his hand in who does
what at the FCC, may suggest, as a veteran DC- he doesn't. Thanks to a
completely evil, stupid anti-semite of a "president" - that cocaine
adficted alcoholic who I defended until 2005 until realizing that the
spoiled little Jew hater named LAME DUCK TORTURER IN CHIEF whose
family would do well to lesve the country before he is arrrsted for
violations to the Geneva Convention, crimes against the citizens of
the world and without a close second the worst president a free
country has ever been subject to, and given the ending manner of the
future arrests of both he, Cock Cheney and Paul Wolfoshits, and given
how much pain this whiny spoiled little 61 year old douche bag has put
on everyone on earth, President Obama has bigger issues on his plate
than whether any of you can pirate music.
So said, if all in this group are caring about is more free music, you
will continue to get the talking like ypu grew up in the hood and
making music my cat makes faces at, like the tour de force of Britney
Spears and the Jonas Brothers, not to mention the Paris Hilton debut
album but in fact have as much talent as Bob Dylan at age one week,
you, like lame duck DICtatotor Shrub, you'll get music as that found
on the mad boy soon to be Ex-president's iPod.
If y'all are so concerned, podcasts ate free to make, lisyen to and
brosdcast. Take some initiative, stop pirating and blaming, and DO
Let's see: The new president's schedule 1:22:2009 /
1) national defense;
2) worldwide anarchy;
3) getting Supper's Ready back on free radio.
Don't think so.
Plus, you always get what you need! This phone has a 4-track recorder,
2 digital guitar tuners with 100s of alternate tunings, email box,
browser, telephone, 4 synyhedizers, 3 drum machines, 5 cameras, free
access to any naked female form that ever was, a night sky chart, a
lunar month astronomical analysis, a GPS system, a choice of webcams
set up everywhere from Paris to to the Brazilian beaches, a 1985 cost
if over 1/2 million dollars for $199, so I believe that the best comrs
through in the end. As Peter the founder said, "there's an angel
standing in the sun/and he's crying with a loud voice/'Can't you feel
our souls ignite/shedding ever changing colours/in the darkness of the
fading night/Like the river joins the ocean/as the germ in the seed
standing in the sun and he's crying/with a loud voice/'THIS IS THE
SUPPER OF THE MIGHTY ONE!'/the Lord of Lord, King of Kings/has
Returned to lead his children home/to take them to the the New
It is payback time for the evil like Putin, Bush and Mel The Human
Douche Gibson and his ilk (those who are short, insecure and blame
everything from Al Gore's uber-hypocrisy to Craig Ferguson's leaving
Scotland for the US to rhe success of the Pussycat Dolls over Men At
Work on, of course, those brilliant Jews who just loved committing a 5
million person suicide,
/Ian Andrew Schneider/
Sounds like you'll need this:http://www.headostate.com/home.htm
2008-12-03 23:49:51 UTC

"Bob" <***@earthlink.net> wrote in message news:faxYk.487$***@newsfe23.iad...

<edited out all the nonsense>
Post by Bob
Ian Andrew Schneider
2008-11-29 15:18:23 UTC
Post by Tim Hattrell
Clear CHannel is the free market?
LOL   I understand all of that but push back a second and reread the
title of this thread. It is hilarious. Is it illegal for classic rock
stations to play SR at this time? (Will BO *allow* SR to be
played...?") They do not do it because 97.8% would hit the dial within
3-minutes. They live and die by ratings. Looking and hoping for Obama
to get SR on the radio is comical. If one is dead serious about it, it
is sad.
"The strength of the moment lies with *you*" Jon Anderson
Is that from And You & I or one if those T/to 4 sides, or new? Thanks.
2008-11-29 16:32:52 UTC
Post by Ian Andrew Schneider
Post by Chuck
"The strength of the moment lies with *you*" Jon Anderson
Is that from And You & I or one if those T/to 4 sides, or new? Thanks.
Side 2 Tales "The Remembering".

2008-11-29 17:43:47 UTC
Post by Ian Andrew Schneider
Post by Chuck
"The strength of the moment lies with *you*" Jon Anderson
Is that from And You & I or one if those T/to 4 sides, or new? Thanks.
Side 2 Tales �"The Remembering".
Geez, I'm dating myself. *Track* 2, haha, no more, "sides".
2008-11-29 23:54:16 UTC
Post by Chuck
Geez, I'm dating myself.
Dang, Chuck. Didn't know you were that desperate and lonely.

2008-11-30 17:34:27 UTC
On Nov 29, 3:54�pm, "Newsgroups" <***@worldnet.att.net>
Geez, I'm dating myself.
Dang, Chuck. �Didn't know you were that desperate and lonely.
Yeah, and its a problem to break up! ;-)

2008-11-30 19:05:14 UTC
"Chuck" <***@aol.com> wrote in message news:9c61ad58-ad35-49dc-9305-***@t3g2000yqa.googlegroups.com...
On Nov 29, 3:54?pm, "Newsgroups" <***@worldnet.att.net>
Geez, I'm dating myself.
Post by Chuck
Dang, Chuck. ?Didn't know you were that desperate and lonely.
Yeah, and its a problem to break up! ;-)
I imagine it'd leave you truly beside yourself. :-)

Ian Andrew Schneider
2008-12-03 18:49:31 UTC
imparting multi-syllabic adjectives as judgements for another cyber
entity is far lower than a flame based on words actually used. Try
judging yourself for while dude, then get back to us. Who do you
think you are to be so obnoxious toward a fellow Genesis lover who is
simply trying to add to an interesting discussion in a newsgroup
devoted to the most underrated band of the 20th century, has more
tribute bands than ANYONE except Elvis. Who amongst us has not seen
the great bands Turn It On Again and THE MUSICAL BOX and not thought:
the music is far bigger than the men who started the band. Trashing
each otehr? Why dude?

Post by Chuck
Geez, I'm dating myself.
Dang, Chuck.  Didn't know you were that desperate and lonely.
2008-12-03 20:31:57 UTC
Ian, old man:

When you get your meds straightened out again, take another look at the
post. Maybe you'll get a chuckle, maybe not.

Love and kisses,

"Ian Andrew Schneider" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:5cbcdec4-2532-459e-8a3f-***@w35g2000yqm.googlegroups.com...
imparting multi-syllabic adjectives as judgements for another cyber
entity is far lower than a flame based on words actually used. Try
judging yourself for while dude, then get back to us. Who do you
think you are to be so obnoxious toward a fellow Genesis lover who is
simply trying to add to an interesting discussion in a newsgroup
devoted to the most underrated band of the 20th century, has more
tribute bands than ANYONE except Elvis. Who amongst us has not seen
the great bands Turn It On Again and THE MUSICAL BOX and not thought:
the music is far bigger than the men who started the band. Trashing
each otehr? Why dude?

Post by Chuck
Geez, I'm dating myself.
Dang, Chuck. Didn't know you were that desperate and lonely.
Ian Andrew Schneider
2008-12-08 23:23:57 UTC
f the ot
Post by Chuck
Geez, I'm dating myself.
Dang, Chuck.  Didn't know you were that desperate and lonely.
Genesis fanism is all about desperate and lonely. Let's guess: is a
true Genesis fan more likely to be the genius/oner type or the
gregarious/salesman type? Or Meyeres - Briggs: most of the band's
greatest stuff comes out of *coming out of* their (the band member's)
varying states of loneliness. In reflection the band agreed with me:
their best song was Duke/Into--> Duke's travels---> Duke's end.
Nothing on video I have ever seen shows Phil more *real* than when
they are trying to play Duke's Travels and Phil cannot keep up, and he
gets up and throws his very little Pro-Marks on the carpet. I
thought: thank God he's not as perfect as I thought. And most of us
have probably passed another at a show, but we're with our wives and
so on - and when I see TMB or any other tribute band, I tell my wife -
don't say my name out loud--I'll definitely get my ass kicked! And
really, the fact that the last song this band wrote was fading lights,
19 years ago, the fact that we can still have lively discussion of
this music, while other music uh, won't diss anyone, but, hey: we were
right. Genesis held up, and where's your college buddy's Squeeze
album? What happened to the ELP fanism and on and on.
as for me, I will never go back to Michigan until they put Genesis i
the rock and roll "hall of fame" - the simpleu idea that Genesis is so
shunned is leads me to also *see* the green in the envy of those who
never got Genesis because they were probably raised with sh---y music
playing in their homes!!!!!!!
Fact: there are certain western rhythms where if not heard by age 5
months, it's over. That is my exccuse as to how I nearly got thrown
out of the Jon Anderson/Kitaro concert in 1991. Two drummers, two
bassists, all EASTERN EUROPEAN---just so bad I don't want to describe
it--but not because of lack of talent or practice: it is from growing
up with old russian folk records. The funniest element---the POWER
with which they use the 2 & 3 of the measure, counts which are
generally ignored by real Western Musicians, who know that 80% if the
action is on the ***ONE**** (HUHHH! JAMES BROWN!) , 15 % on the
backbeat '4', and 7.5% on 2 and 3. Just a "blink" guess, but as you
musicians know, it's all about, as Sir james said, the ONE!

have a great night.
2008-12-09 00:06:17 UTC
"Ian Andrew Schneider" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:ad37655e-3987-41be-b6a6-***@h5g2000yqh.googlegroups.com...:

"The funniest element---the POWER
with which they use the 2 & 3 of the measure, counts which are
generally ignored by real Western Musicians, who know that 80% if the
action is on the ***ONE**** (HUHHH! JAMES BROWN!) , 15 % on the
backbeat '4', and 7.5% on 2 and 3. Just a "blink" guess, but as you
musicians know, it's all about, as Sir james said, the ONE!"

Never forgetting jazz, however, where it's all 2 and 4.

Steven Sullivan
2009-01-07 06:29:24 UTC
Post by Ian Andrew Schneider
Genesis fanism is all about desperate and lonely. Let's guess: is a
true Genesis fan more likely to be the genius/oner type or the
gregarious/salesman type?
Ever read/see 'American Psycho'?
I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can
seldom accept the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit
the falsity of conclusions which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have
woven, thread by thread, into the fabrics of their life -- Leo Tolstoy
Ian Andrew Schneider
2009-01-08 15:49:14 UTC
I have read the book.
1) I still have not found out whether Brent Easton Ellis is sincere,
camp or both in what is still Genesis' biggest exposure wherein such
was unaffiliated with the band itself: an entire chapter, about 2-4
dense pages, of how Genesis was the band the really *got* the 80s.
Some of the facts about the songs, mainly the IT album, seem
intentionally incorrect - yet comments about how everyone was really
marching to the beat of Phil in the 80s is way true.


/ian andrew schneider/
PS / woke to Evidence of Autumn. Any opinions on that one? One of my
favorites, shows Tony as a pop Chopin with some most interesting chord
Post by Steven Sullivan
Genesis fanism is all about desperate and lonely.  Let's guess: is a
true Genesis fan more likely to be the genius/oner type or the
gregarious/salesman type?
Ever read/see 'American Psycho'?
I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can
seldom accept the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit
the falsity of conclusions which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have
woven, thread by thread, into the fabrics of their life --  Leo Tolstoy
2009-01-08 17:08:21 UTC
/ian andrew schneider/
PS / woke to Evidence of Autumn. Any opinions on that one? One of my
favorites, shows Tony as a pop Chopin with some most interesting chord

I adore Evidence of Autumn.

That and Vancouver I think are the greatest "unrecorded" tracks.

So many things that could have been left off other albums... never
understood why these 2 were not fully polished and used.
A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands
Mark Rae
2009-01-08 17:50:36 UTC
Post by Covenant
I adore Evidence of Autumn.
That and Vancouver I think are the greatest "unrecorded" tracks.
So many things that could have been left off other albums... never
understood why these 2 were not fully polished and used.
They sound great remastered...
2009-01-09 00:21:22 UTC
Post by Mark Rae
Post by Covenant
I adore Evidence of Autumn.
That and Vancouver I think are the greatest "unrecorded" tracks.
So many things that could have been left off other albums... never
understood why these 2 were not fully polished and used.
They sound great remastered...
They do.. but nothing was added. I think the lyrics to each could do with a
diffrent word here or there.
(Just as an example, in the day the light went out, the line "And so they
looked for ways to rid themselves of the parasite" seems WAy forced.)

OH, yeah, I also forgot to add the day the light went out to the list...

I knew there was a trio of them !!!

;' )
A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands
Mark Rae
2009-01-09 00:55:56 UTC
Post by Covenant
They do.. but nothing was added. I think the lyrics to each could do with
a diffrent word here or there.
(Just as an example, in the day the light went out, the line "And so they
looked for ways to rid themselves of the parasite" seems WAy forced.)
There are worse atrocities:
"The smell of acid on his gun of paint"
"Well that's as maybe, I don't know"
"Fang, son of Great Fang"
"...an all-star Indian tribe"
"off of the mountain"
"Throw some bread to the ducks intead"

2009-01-09 11:03:46 UTC
Post by Mark Rae
Post by Covenant
They do.. but nothing was added. I think the lyrics to each could do with
a diffrent word here or there.
(Just as an example, in the day the light went out, the line "And so they
looked for ways to rid themselves of the parasite" seems WAy forced.)
"Well that's as maybe, I don't know"
I've never understoof the problem people have with that line ! ;' )
Post by Mark Rae
"Fang, son of Great Fang"
Weeellll.. it's descriptive! (ahem)
Post by Mark Rae
"...an all-star Indian tribe"
Post by Mark Rae
"off of the mountain"
Again, no problem with that really...
Post by Mark Rae
"Throw some bread to the ducks intead"
Or that really!
A Man Who Can Be Quite Forgiving ! ;' )
Mark Rae
2009-01-09 11:27:08 UTC
Post by Mark Rae
"Well that's as maybe, I don't know"
I've never understood the problem people have with that line ! ;' )
It's not exactly "only a magic that a name would stain"...
Post by Mark Rae
"off of the mountain"
Again, no problem with that really...
"off of" is such an ugly ungrammatical Americanism, though...
Ian Andrew Schneider
2009-01-09 17:15:05 UTC
At least there ate no adverbial phrases using the equally unusually
inappropriate yet ultra-ubiquitous "bloody." I keep hearing [Super]
tramp: "Right, quite right, your bloody well right," voted "The Worst
Lyric In History" by the REO Speedwagon Memorial Society. Remember how
much Kevin "you should have seen in the look if my eyes baby" Cronin
embodied the lithe yet weak "Leo Sayer" rock and roll man, all the
while when studs like J. Geils and Steve "who's cryin' now?" Perry
were pumping iron like Shwarzenaggar's "Lite-FM will set you free"
fosterchildren? I remember David "the hit man" Foster at that point.
For a guy with a very mild mannered demeanor, Foster could sure pump
out the kids. Wife left him. His lesbian sister gives birth to Clay
Aiken's son (test tube style). That kid is gonna be so straight that
his own parents will blush at the sex!

Englishisms that have caught on in the states - when ill-used are like
bad flatulence:
"spot on"

Not caught on:

Yeah, it is true: everyone of either gender age or relationship calls
the other "dude" - like, *everyone* - I remember this forum featuring
some Englishmen saying: you don't REALLY use that, do you?" Now, in
semi-Stalinist Amerika, to stick together below scary families like
the bush, clinton, cheney families: we use it as, "brother or sister
are you ok?" anything you've heard about amerika becoming a tyrannical
fascist dictatorship: we're waiting fir someone to invade and free
^us^ from the compound interest crowd. Be glad you're not living in
the Dissociated Colonies Of Anachical Hatred.
Post by Mark Rae
Post by Mark Rae
"Well that's as maybe, I don't know"
I've never understood the problem people have with that line !  ;' )
It's not exactly "only a magic that a name would stain"...
Post by Mark Rae
"off of the mountain"
Again, no problem with that really...
"off of" is such an ugly ungrammatical Americanism, though...
2009-01-09 20:35:55 UTC
At least there ate no adverbial phrases using the equally unusually
inappropriate yet ultra-ubiquitous "bloody." I keep hearing [Super]
tramp: "Right, quite right, your bloody well right,"

Thats a GREAT lyric !!

What *should* have been changed was the next line....
A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands
2009-01-09 21:02:15 UTC
Post by Mark Rae
Post by Mark Rae
"Well that's as maybe, I don't know"
I've never understood the problem people have with that line ! ;' )
It's not exactly "only a magic that a name would stain"...
Which is, itself, no more or less a cliche "that's as may be, I don't know,"
but for some reason continues to work in drooling love letters and prog
Post by Mark Rae
Post by Mark Rae
"off of the mountain"
Again, no problem with that really...
"off of" is such an ugly ungrammatical Americanism, though...
Really? Ungrammatical surely, ugly in the eye of the beholder,
American...can you cite a source? I seem to remember reading it arose from
either the British working class or from British mariners (not including, of
course, officers). I am at a loss for my own source, however, and may be
entirely full of shit. Per custom.

Ian Andrew Schneider
2009-01-09 16:48:43 UTC
Post by Mark Rae
Post by Covenant
They do.. but nothing was added. I think the lyrics to each could do with
I always Loved the Heathaze's "beware the fisherman/who's casting out
his line/into a dried up river bed/well, don't try and tell him,
because he won't believe you/throw some bread to the ducks instead/
it's easier that way/I feel like an alien/a stranger"

I reckon that at this point Phil had something of a Jesus complex:
Guide Vocal's over the top lyric (gorgeous song, bombastic lyric) "I

The bread to the ducks I always conceived as a parallel to telling the
man that he was clueless was the proverbial (literally) Pearls Before
Swine parable. Aren't ducks, loudly ecstatic at mere bread crumbs oh-
so-much nicer to be around than a man who casts out an unnecessary
lure of death for those trapped in the desert? After watching [the
president of the colonies of England] BUSH shocking and inspiring awe
(nice plan, genius) in the dried up river beds of Mesopatamia [sp],
throwing bread to the ducks doesn't seem like such an "off" line.

30 year old lyrics: good as The Word.

/ian andrew schneider/
Post by Mark Rae
Post by Covenant
a diffrent word here or there.
(Just as an example, in the day the light went out, the line "And so they
looked for ways to rid themselves of the parasite" seems WAy forced.)
"The smell of acid on his gun of paint"
"Well that's as maybe, I don't know"
"Fang, son of Great Fang"
"...an all-star Indian tribe"
"off of the mountain"
"Throw some bread to the ducks intead"
2009-01-09 21:06:08 UTC
Post by Ian Andrew Schneider
The bread to the ducks I always conceived as a parallel to telling the
man that he was clueless was the proverbial (literally) Pearls Before
Swine parable. Aren't ducks, loudly ecstatic at mere bread crumbs oh-
so-much nicer to be around than a man who casts out an unnecessary
lure of death for those trapped in the desert? After watching [the
president of the colonies of England] BUSH shocking and inspiring awe
(nice plan, genius) in the dried up river beds of Mesopatamia [sp],
throwing bread to the ducks doesn't seem like such an "off" line.
But for the fact that the question is begged: why are these ducks hanging
around in a dried-up riverbed?

2009-01-10 11:14:24 UTC
Post by Newsgroups
Post by Ian Andrew Schneider
The bread to the ducks I always conceived as a parallel to telling the
man that he was clueless was the proverbial (literally) Pearls Before
Swine parable. Aren't ducks, loudly ecstatic at mere bread crumbs oh-
so-much nicer to be around than a man who casts out an unnecessary
lure of death for those trapped in the desert? After watching [the
president of the colonies of England] BUSH shocking and inspiring awe
(nice plan, genius) in the dried up river beds of Mesopatamia [sp],
throwing bread to the ducks doesn't seem like such an "off" line.
But for the fact that the question is begged: why are these ducks hanging
around in a dried-up riverbed?

2008-12-07 22:25:02 UTC
You actually think Obama cares about the quality of FM radio programming?
That's like the lady who was heard to say, "I won't have to worry about my
mortgage anymore or gas for my car!"
Everybody seems to have jumped onto the "Obama is gonna save us!"
bandwagon... Now that we have the Internet and XM and podcasts and mp3
players, we don't need no steenking FM or Clear Channel stations to tell us
what to listen to.
"Supper's Ready" really took advantage of the freedom that radio stations
had at the time to play such material.Sadly, that freedom no longer exists
Well, you have to remember the historical context. When Foxtrot came
out in 1972 US radio was in a period of transition. Up until the
early 1970's it was the golden age of Top 40 AM radio, where the 3-
minute hits were king and as long as you had a catchy tune, mono or
stereo didn't matter. In '72 FM radio was emerging from its
experimental backwater state, listenership was modest and DJ's were
given freedom to play pretty much anything they wanted. If they had a
Progressive Rock Hour then Suppers Ready got played. The thing that
killed the AM radio star was the power transistor -- by 1975,
electronics stores were filled with solid state FM stereo receivers
made by Sansui, Pioneer, and Marantz that could fill a room with loud,
high quality stereo sound.

Today obviously FM radio is the Top 40 commercial medium and music is
almost nonexistent on AM radio.

There is hope that Obama could make things better. Bill Clinton was a
big fan of the low power community FM station concept, which would
allow low cost local FM stations to provide diversity in programming.
The FCC moved in that direction, granted some licenses, but under Bush
the guards of Magog swarmed around (corporate lobbyists) and pretty
much killed LPFM. I'm sure if Obama were approached about it he would
wholeheartedly support LPFM and we would hear seven trumpets blowing
sweet rock'n'roll. The question is whether or not the LPFM issue gets
on the radar screen. Obama's got a full plate starting on Inauguration