I can never play the drums again, says Phil Collins
(too old to reply)
2009-09-11 23:42:58 UTC
I would've preferred that he lost his songwriting ability but could
still drum and sing, however that's probably against all odds...

Jeff Blanks
2009-09-12 15:35:18 UTC
Post by nebulax
I would've preferred that he lost his songwriting ability but could
still drum and sing, however that's probably against all odds...
From the Genesis website:

"There isn't any drama regarding my 'disability' and playing drums.
Somehow during the last Genesis tour I dislocated some vertebrae in my
upper neck and that affected my hands. After a successful operation on
my neck, my hands still can't function normally.

"Maybe in a year or so it will change, but for now it is impossible for
me to play drums or piano. I am not in any 'distressed' state, stuff
happens in life."

So there's still hope. Best doctors money can buy, etc.
"When someone serves you coffee, don't go looking for beer in it."
--Anton Chekhov
2009-09-12 16:30:05 UTC
Post by nebulax
I would've preferred that he lost his songwriting ability but could
still drum and sing, however that's probably against all odds...
Well at least he's got his millions to take away some of the pain...
2009-09-13 11:29:28 UTC
Post by jonny
Post by nebulax
I would've preferred that he lost his songwriting ability but could
still drum and sing, however that's probably against all odds...
Well at least he's got his millions to take away some of the pain...
PG, though saddened by his friend's health problems, is likley
relieved that he can finally stop contriving silly answers as to why
no (classic 5) Genesis reunion.

2009-09-23 14:39:05 UTC
Post by jonny
Post by nebulax
I would've preferred that he lost his songwriting ability but could
still drum and sing, however that's probably against all odds...
Well at least he's got his millions to take away some of the pain...
Wonder if it's his millions that has caused him, seemingly, to love
his train sets and Alamo collection more than making music... or, in a
few interviews during the last tour, why he talked as if he wanted to
be back home? Or maybe it has to do with his great 1980s success...
'no more hills to climb'. He DID do the reunion tour, perhaps
sometimes in pain... gotta give him that.
