Hello stalwarts! Into the next round! (Thanks inside!)
(too old to reply)
2009-02-19 22:16:16 UTC

Round one over.

Sitting in a VERY decent fifth.
(Although I was a very decent fourth until the guy below suddenly started
getting consistently 18 votes more than me.. after making up 30 odd votes to
get there in the first place !!!!)

Anyway.. I was good 50+ votes ahead of 6th place, and considering Molly and
Hank have huge internet followings... Yeah! I'm Pleased!

Those of you who voted for me.. THANK YOU !!! VERY much !

So.. into round two.
"Write a song no less the 1m 15 secs long which uses no more than 10 unique
words. Those words can be repeated as many times as you like, but only 10
words may
be used."

(Like, for example.. Frere Jaques has only 10 words in the original french)

And I have my idea fully fleshed out in my head already !!! ;' )

I will, of course, let you all know when I require blatant partisanship !

Thanks again all !
A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands
2009-03-02 04:15:07 UTC
Song Fu3, Round 2 Is On.... http://tinyurl.com/cv8rb9 I would LOVE it if I
was voted for... ;' )
Or put it another way.... I NEED ALL OF YOU TO VOTE FOR ME !!!!!!

A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands
Post by Covenant
Round one over.
Sitting in a VERY decent fifth.
(Although I was a very decent fourth until the guy below suddenly started
getting consistently 18 votes more than me.. after making up 30 odd votes to
get there in the first place !!!!)
Anyway.. I was good 50+ votes ahead of 6th place, and considering Molly and
Hank have huge internet followings... Yeah! I'm Pleased!
Those of you who voted for me.. THANK YOU !!! VERY much !
So.. into round two.
"Write a song no less the 1m 15 secs long which uses no more than 10 unique
words. Those words can be repeated as many times as you like, but only 10
words may
be used."
(Like, for example.. Frere Jaques has only 10 words in the original french)
And I have my idea fully fleshed out in my head already !!! ;' )
I will, of course, let you all know when I require blatant partisanship !
Thanks again all !
A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands