Cinema Show
(too old to reply)
<p>sychotic <c>hicken
2008-09-08 06:26:59 UTC
From now on I shall post my OT posts in newsgroups where they have
greater relevance. The Echo and the Bunnymen post didn't go down too
well and I'll try not to do that again.
I just wrote a review of a Genesis album ... but I won't submit it
here as it is OT. It has just been posted in alt.music.genesis.
If people are interested I could crosspost some of this stuff, but I'm
sure nobody really wants that to happen ......
..... or do they ?
Alt.music.genesis is the most boring newsgroup I've been in for a long
time. Anybody up for a trolling expedition to somewhere FUN ?
Cinema Show. Genesis

Home from work our juliet
Clears her morning meal.
She dabs her skin with pretty smells
Concealing to appeal.
I will make my bed,
She said, but turned to go.
Can she be late for her cinema show?

Romeo locks his basement flat,
And scurries up the stair.
With head held high and floral tie,
A weekend millionaire.
I will make my bed
With her tonight, he cries.
Can he fail armed with his chocolate surprise?

Take a little trip back with father tiresias,
Listen to the old one speak of all he has lived through.
I have crossed between the poles, for me theres no mystery.
Once a man, like the sea I raged,
Once a woman, like the earth I gave.
But there is in fact more earth than sea.

Take a little trip back with father tiresias,
Listen to the old one speak of all he has lived through.
I have crossed between the poles, for me theres no mystery.
Once a man, like the sea I raged,
Once a woman, like the earth I gave.
But there is in fact more earth than sea.
<p>sychotic <c>hicken
Friends intervene on Friends.
Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It is working!
2008-09-09 01:14:14 UTC
Anybody up for a trolling expedition to somewhere FUN ?
Try alt.music.jethroll
<p>sychotic <c>hicken
2008-09-09 11:08:19 UTC
As legal representative progea <***@hotmail.com> read article of
Post by progea
Anybody up for a trolling expedition to somewhere FUN ?
Try alt.music.jethroll
Think I'll dig my heels into alt.music.genesis instead.

I like the backwater ambience of the place.
<p>sychotic <c>hicken
Friends intervene on Friends.
Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It is working!
The REAL Naminanu
2008-09-11 22:12:26 UTC
Post by <p>sychotic <c>hicken
Think I'll dig my heels into alt.music.genesis instead.
I like the backwater ambience of the place.
Dig in all you like. A fuck wit is a fuck wit no matter which group you post

Mark Rae
2008-09-11 22:22:22 UTC
Post by The REAL Naminanu
Post by <p>sychotic <c>hicken
Think I'll dig my heels into alt.music.genesis instead.
I like the backwater ambience of the place.
Dig in all you like. A fuck wit is a fuck wit no matter which group you
post in.
Don't feed the trolls, mate...

This cretin is why you have a killfile...
Paul Westcott
2008-09-11 23:45:54 UTC
Post by <p>sychotic <c>hicken
Post by progea
Anybody up for a trolling expedition to somewhere FUN ?
Try alt.music.jethroll
Think I'll dig my heels into alt.music.genesis instead.
I like the backwater ambience of the place.

Paul Westcott
<p>sychotic <c>hicken
2008-09-12 04:30:27 UTC
As legal representative Paul Westcott
Post by Paul Westcott
Post by <p>sychotic <c>hicken
Post by progea
Anybody up for a trolling expedition to somewhere FUN ?
Try alt.music.jethroll
Think I'll dig my heels into alt.music.genesis instead.
I like the backwater ambience of the place.
Paul Westcott

What miserable lives you jokers must have.
<p>sychotic <c>hicken
Friends intervene on Friends.
Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It is working!