(too old to reply)
2010-06-25 14:40:54 UTC
... is a bloody great album and anyone who doesn't agree is a total arse!

'Burnning Rope' is brilliant!
2010-06-25 20:27:08 UTC
Post by Jon
... is a bloody great album and anyone who doesn't agree is a total arse!
'Burnning Rope' is brilliant!
I think it was the last gasp of brilliance from Genesis. BR, TLL,
DitM... carry the record. I've always loved 'Undertow' as well. -->
Duke -----> AbaCrap was the biggest free fall in music from a band in
rock history, IMO.
2010-06-25 21:14:52 UTC
Post by Chuck
Post by Jon
... is a bloody great album and anyone who doesn't agree is a total arse!
'Burnning Rope' is brilliant!
I think it was the last gasp of brilliance from Genesis. BR, TLL,
DitM... carry the record. I've always loved 'Undertow' as well. -->
Duke -----> AbaCrap was the biggest free fall in music from a band in
rock history, IMO.
I agree with Chuck. Duke was one of the biggest let downs as far as
buying an album before hearing the music. ATTWT was also the last tour
I saw. There has been an song or three from the entire following
catalogue I can even listen to. I think I tossed it after about 15
minutes and put on SEBTP
2010-06-25 23:30:29 UTC
Post by Chuck
Post by Jon
... is a bloody great album and anyone who doesn't agree is a total arse!
'Burnning Rope' is brilliant!
I think it was the last gasp of brilliance from Genesis. BR, TLL,
DitM... carry the record. I've always loved 'Undertow' as well. -->
Duke -----> AbaCrap was the biggest free fall in music from a band in
rock history, IMO.
"Turn it on Again" from Duke was their last brilliant song IMO. And as
much as I might be reviled for saying so, I thought "Follow You,
Follow Me" was a great song from ATTWT. And yes, they fell off a cliff
after Duke.
2010-06-26 10:06:36 UTC
Post by raven1
"Turn it on Again" from Duke was their last brilliant song IMO. And as
much as I might be reviled for saying so, I thought "Follow You,
Follow Me" was a great song from ATTWT. And yes, they fell off a cliff
after Duke.
I never understood the "Turn it on Again" thing. No, a song does not
have to be complex to be great... but this is just simplistic, cheesy,
crap, IMO. The beginning of Behind the Lines and some of Dukes Travels
are the only thing that this pretty bad record has that is worth
anything. I don't even own it. Funny when my then girlfriend's son,
whom I turned onto 70's Genesis... took him to see The Musical Box a
few times, etc. He then ventured on his own into the 80's catalogue
and asked me; "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THEM?" lol From the mouth of
Paul Westcott
2010-06-26 13:30:28 UTC
Post by raven1
Post by Chuck
Post by Jon
... is a bloody great album and anyone who doesn't agree is a total arse!
'Burnning Rope' is brilliant!
I think it was the last gasp of brilliance from Genesis. BR, TLL,
DitM... carry the record. I've always loved 'Undertow' as well. -->
Duke -----> AbaCrap was the biggest free fall in music from a band in
rock history, IMO.
"Turn it on Again" from Duke was their last brilliant song IMO. And as
much as I might be reviled for saying so, I thought "Follow You,
Follow Me" was a great song from ATTWT. And yes, they fell off a cliff
after Duke.
I like most of ATTWT, but "Follow You, Follow Me" was pretty much the
first Genesis song that I disliked, and a precursor of the band's
decline. It was and is lightweight, especially lyrically, and belongs
to the "lurve" song genre that Genesis had previously avoided.

Coincidentally, I heard "Follow You, Follow Me" this evening for the
fist time in a very long while, on a classic rock radio station. My
view remains the same.

Paul Westcott
2010-06-26 15:59:41 UTC
On Jun 26, 9:30 am, Paul Westcott
Post by Paul Westcott
I like most of ATTWT, but "Follow You, Follow Me" was pretty much the
first Genesis song that I disliked, and a precursor of the band's
Perhaps this is why it is last on the record. A slow intro, saying to
fans; "this is where we will go from here on..." ;-)
2010-06-27 10:22:40 UTC
Post by Chuck
On Jun 26, 9:30 am, Paul Westcott
Post by Paul Westcott
I like most of ATTWT, but "Follow You, Follow Me" was pretty much the
first Genesis song that I disliked, and a precursor of the band's
Perhaps this is why it is last on the record. A slow intro, saying to
fans; "this is where we will go from here on..." ;-)
I was thinking the same thing...

I was a huge Genesis fan for most of the 70's and haven't bought
anything from them since, and can think of maybe 2-3 songs since then
being any good. While they weren't progressive (y), they were still
good songs, like No Son of Mine. Collins solo crap is what destroyed
the band for the main reason.
2010-06-27 11:49:08 UTC
Post by Relayer
I was thinking the same thing...
I was a huge Genesis fan for most of the 70's and haven't bought
anything from them since, and can think of maybe 2-3 songs since then
being any good. While they weren't progressive (y), they were still
good songs, like No Son of Mine. Collins solo crap is what destroyed
the band for the main reason.
Dominoe(sp?) is a good song off of 'Invisible Touch'. Probably like it
as I do... being a fan of their 70's material. Never bought that disc
however... there is just so many bloody awful, embarrassing songs on
it! uggh!

2010-06-29 18:51:52 UTC
Post by Chuck
Post by Relayer
I was thinking the same thing...
I was a huge Genesis fan for most of the 70's and haven't bought
anything from them since, and can think of maybe 2-3 songs since then
being any good. While they weren't progressive (y), they were still
good songs, like No Son of Mine. Collins solo crap is what destroyed
the band for the main reason.
Dominoe(sp?) is a good song off of 'Invisible Touch'. Probably like it
as I do... being a fan of their 70's material. Never bought that disc
however... there is just so many bloody awful, embarrassing songs on
it! uggh!
Well, on this subject, the "change" seemed to happen so fast. Even
without PG, you had TOTT,WAW,ATTWT and then...

I just wish I had become a fan earlier than I did. I was more into Yes/
Zeppelin/Floyd and got turned on to Genesis by Lamb. I remember my
first knowledge of a band named Genesis and it was a picture of them
on stage with PG in the Flower costume in Circus magazine and thinking
"how odd of a stage getup" and "who are these people?" LOL...they were
still playing shows that were small relative to the bands named above.
who were filling stadiums on multiple nights..but thats just me
